What can we do for you.

Because we strive for fast delivery, communication is very important to us. We ensure short lines of communication within our team and we take immediate action as soon as necessary. We also do this for our customers. As soon as we receive your order, we will immediately contact you to ensure that the delivery will be within 24 hours in the Netherlands, or your order will be delivered at the agreed time abroad. By doing so, we won’t disappoint anyone. Do you have unexpected problems that prevent you from being present at the agreed time? No problem. Let us know and we will arrange for the material to be delivered to a different location or at a different time.
We are certified in lifejacket inspection and rope splicing. We give a guarantee on this. In addition, we employ certified mechanics and salesmen. The employees all have had professional training.

We are aware of the latest developments and trends. We stay in contact with ships and delve into professional literature.